All posts by MICA_Admin

NEXT: Anamnesis

NEXT: Anamnesis will showcase the work of two talented, emerging artists, Katelin Mae Thomas and Kathleen Matkovic. Thomas is a sculptor who creates objects out of vintage books. Utilizing a two-dimensional art form that is quickly becoming obsolete, Thomas breathes new life into the pages of the past through her three-dimensional sculptures that are both romantic and contemporary. Matkovic is a photographer who creates nostalgic landscapes that harken the past. These dreamlike scenes document hazy memories, leaving the viewer to question whether or not they exist in the present or in a dream.

Henry Brimmer, professor in the Department of Advertising + Public Relations at MSU, is facilitating the second in a series of events called ‘NEXT’. These events at MICA Gallery intend to showcase and attract a younger constituency to the area, with the help of many dedicated creative folks. We would like to turn Old Town upside down … make it New Town!

Artist: Katelin Thomas
“NEXT: Anamnesis”
July 2014

KIELWAHL, May 3 – 25, 2014

JeffersonKielwagenImageKIELWAHL springs out of a two-year collaboration between Dylan Wahl (USA) and Jefferson Kielwagen (Brazil). Their art work employs mixed media, and is best described as conceptual. They are mainly interested in psychoanalysis, philosophy and language. The works displayed here speak about a number of things: the creation of value, a passive-aggressive poetics, fetishization, repetition and excess, among other, more subtle topics, to be discovered by the attentive viewer. Some of the artists’ main influences are Roman Signer (Switzerland), Michael Craig-Martin (UK) and Marina Abramović (Serbia).

Exhibition Dates: May 3-25, 2014
Opening Reception: May 4, 12-4pm

Learn more about Jefferson’s work here: